We are excited to introduce our hosted version of Solo, click here for more details




As Admin, you can add, edit and delete services. the delete method will hide the service instead of deleting it from database.

Service Fields
  • Title

    the title of the service

  • Slug

    the clean url part for the service, If you leave it empty the slug will be generated from the title

  • Category

    the category that the service belong to.

  • Details

    the service description, what you do, what you will provide for customer in this service.

  • Service Gallery

    images for service, you can upload multiple images. the first image will be treated as the featured image.

  • Digital Product

    Is this entry a digital product that customers will get a download link after purchase or just a service.

  • Digital Product File

    Upload the file that the customers will download after purchasing the Service/Product

  • External File Link

    You can link to an external file, this option will be available if the File isn’t uploaded.

  • Service Requirements

    This text will appear to customers after purchasing the service.
    For example instagram account details, or website FTP, or any extra details that help you to complete the service.

  • SEO Keywords

    for search engine optimization only, If you leave it empty the keywords will be generated from title.

  • SEO Description

    for search engine optimization only, If you leave it empty the description will be generated from details.

  • Published

    choose whether you want to activate the service or to disable it temporarily.

  • Created @ 4 Sep 2022 10:19 pm
  • Updated @ 31 Dec 2023 03:24 am