After uploading files, creating database and editing config.php file, now it’s time to start the installation:

Go to


If this installation failed, you can install the database manually.
the SQL file is attached with the script and located at sql folder.
the default admin details are :

Username : admin
Password : demo

After Version 2.2, the script comes with update section where you only need to upload the update zipped file from admin panel (No FTP no CPanel) .. just upload the update folder and everything will be Ok.

Manual Update

To update manually, unzip the update folder and move its content to your server, replace the existed files with new ones.

If there is Database Changes you will find db.sql file, copy its content, paste and execute it in your PHPMyAdmin SQL.

API information includes two important values: Client ID and Client Secret. Follow these steps to generate them:

Step 1: Go to and Sign In

Step 2: Click on button ‘Register a new app

Step 3: Fill all required forms:

  1. App Name (like Support Portal)
  2. Required Permissions, choose the following :
    • View and search Envato sites
    • View the user’s Envato Account username
    • View the user’s email address
    • View the user’s account profile details
  3. Confirmation URL : is the link to your website or the folder that you installed the script in :
  4. Check I have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions

Press ‘Register App

Step 4: Then you will see a popup which shown:

You’ve registered your app. Here’s your secret application key! Make sure you copy this down, because if you lose it you’ll need to re-create the application.


You should copy a long string and keep it safe, because it is origin and can not see it again.

Step 5: Navigate back to ‘My apps’, now you can see registered app at “Apps you’ve registered”. Under ‘App name’, you can find ‘Client ID’ value.

When you go back to My Apps & Credentials Page you will find the App that created.
Click on App name and go to app details where you can find the PayPal Client ID and PayPal Client Secret depending on which mode you want (SandBox or Live Mode).

  • Site Url

    where the script is installed.
    note : if you install the script in sub-folder add slash at the end of the link :
    while if it is in root just use it without slash at the end :

  • Site Name

    the name of your website, your brand name or any chosen name.

  • SEO Keywords

    for search engines optimization purpose.

  • SEO Description

    for search engines optimization purpose.

  • Site Language

    you can choose the main language for your site

  • Site Theme

    you can choose your website theme/skin.
    the script comes with default theme.
    more themes will be added in next updates.

You can add, edit and remove categories.


If you didn’t added any category the categories link won’t appear in the site header. so at least you need one category to see the categories link in site’s header

Offline Payments
  • Enable Offline Payments as Payment Method

    Offline payments are the payment made through Bank Transfer or Cash or E-Transfer ..etc
    Any Payment that isn’t made by online payment method is considered Offline Payment.

  • Offline Payment Title

    The Text that appears to customer when he chooses Offline Payment.
    It can be Offline Payment, Bank Transfer or Cash .. etc.

Paypal Setting

PayPal SandBox: you can activate PayPal sandbox to test the script payment functions.
if PayPal SandBox is on you need to add SANDBOX API CREDENTIALS
if PayPal SandBox is off you need to add LIVE API CREDENTIALS

Stripe Setting

Stripe Test Mode: you can activate Stripe Test Mode to test the script payment functions.
if Stripe Test Mode is on you need to add STRIPE TEST CREDENTIALS
if Stripe Test Mode is off you need to add STRIPE LIVE CREDENTIALS

RazorPay Setting

RazorPay Test Mode: you can activate RazorPay Test Mode to test the script payment functions.
if RazorPay Test Mode is on you need to add RazorPay TEST API CREDENTIALS
if RazorPay Test Mode is off you need to add RazorPay LIVE API CREDENTIALS


We have two cases for each payment method.
Test Mode : we use it before launching the website to make all possible tests
Live Mode : in live mode all payment will be true payment with real money.