After Purchase the script and download the zip package, unzip it. you will get three folders

  • docs
  • script
  • sql
  • updates

Upload script folder contents to your site (folders & files)


Sometimes, Operation systems hide .htaccess file.
Make sure this file is uploaded to your host.

To Create Database login to your cpanel.
Search for Mysql Database.

By clicking on Mysql Database Link you will go to the Database Managment.

First : Create a New Database

Second : Add a New User

Third : Add a User to Database

Finally, assign privileges to a database user

Open the file config.php located at include folder and change values to yours.

$db_config = array(
   'host' => 'localhost',
   'user' => 'your_database_username',
   'pass' => 'your_database_password',
   'name' => 'your_database_name'

After uploading files, creating database and editing config.php file, now it’s time to start the installation:

Go to


If this installation failed, you can install the database manually.
the SQL file is attached with the script and located at sql folder.
the default admin details are :

Username : admin
Password : demo